The Commission measures the accuracy of assessments in each county and works with assessors to promote an accurate and fair assessment program. It conducts seminars and training sessions for assessors and their staffs. The Commission also hears taxpayers’ appeals from the local Boards of Equalization, and is responsible for the statewide assessment of the property of railroads, airlines, pipelines, electric and telecommunication companies.
The State Tax Commission is an administrative agency under the direction of three commissioners who are appointed by the Governor and approved by the Senate. The Commission is given the responsibility of ensuring the uniform and equitable assessment of all taxable tangible property in the state. To assist the Commission in fulfilling this responsibility, there is a staff of appraisers, technicians, and hearing officers located in Jefferson City and throughout the state.
Our administrative structure is:
- Administrative Secretary — directs the day-to-day operations of the commission.
Contact: Stacey Jacobs, Administrative Secretary, Stacey.Jacobs@stc.mo.gov - Legal — includes hearing officers (for appeals), and provides legal support for the commission.
Contact: Gregory Allsberry, Chief Counsel, Gregory.Allsberry@stc.mo.gov - Local Assistance — provides support to the County Assessors and monitors the level of assessment and assessment uniformity.
Contact: Larry Jones, Manager, Local Assistance Section, Larry.Jones@stc.mo.gov - Original Assessment — values public utilities, railroads and other property that typically crosses many county boundaries.
Contact: Heather Stiles, Manager, Original Assessment Section, Heather.Stiles@stc.mo.gov
Custodian of Records and Sunshine Law Requests
The Administrative Secretary is the State Tax Commission’s Custodian of Records. Sunshine Law and/or any other requests for records should be submitted via email to the Administrative Secretary at stc@stc.mo.gov.
Contact Information for Main Office STC Employees
Gary Romine, Chairman gary.romine@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1704
Debbi McGinnis, Commissioner debbi.mcginnis@stc.mo.gov 573-751-3471
Greg Razer, Commissioner greg.razer@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1703
Administration – Annual Report, assessor education, form 11/11As, legislation, and reimbursements
Stacey Jacobs, Administrative Secretary stacey.jacobs@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1716
Misty Frank, Administration misty.frank@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1735
Debbie Hagenhoff, Administration debbie.hagenhoff@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1724
Sandy Wankum, Administration sandy.wankum@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1709
Dan Hutton, Administration dan.hutton@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1712
Legal – Appeals, statutes, case law
Gregory Allsberry, Chief Counsel gregory.allsberry@stc.mo.gov 573-526-7885
Stacy Ingle, Legal Assistant stacy.ingle@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1715
Todd Wilson, Senior Hearings Officer todd.wilson@stc.mo.gov 573-526-7765
Sam Knapper, Hearing Officer sam.knapper@stc.mo.gov 573-526-7882
Original Assessment– Railroads, utilities, airlines, commercial aircraft, rural electrics
Heather Stiles, Manager, Original Assessment heather.stiles@stc.mo.gov 573-526-6403
Peter Chari, Original Assessment peter.chari@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1729
Jacob Sones, Original Assessment jacob.sones@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1708
Local Assistance – Assessment process & procedures, ratio studies
Larry Jones, Manager, Local Assistance larry.jones@stc.mo.gov 573-522-9804
Larry Hixson, Assistant Manager, Local Assistance larry.hixson@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1733
Kristen Solindas, Local Assistance kristen.solindas@stc.mo.gov 573-751-1728
Additional STC Information:
2021-2025 State Tax Commission Strategic Plan
STC Five-Year Rules Review Report